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Russian Currency and Finance

A Currency Board Approach to Reform

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
E-kniha Adobe ePub
E-kniha Russian Currency and Finance Steve H. Hanke
Libristo kód: 39940346
Nakladatelství Routledge, srpna 2005
As the new Russian state struggles with the transition to a market economy, the need for radical mon... Celý popis
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As the new Russian state struggles with the transition to a market economy, the need for radical monetary reform becomes increasingly urgent. The choice of reform is crucial, for it will largely determine Russia's future economic performance. In order to break free of the lingering effects of Soviet central planning, the new Russian state needs a stable, convertible currency. Steve H. Hanke, Lars Jonung and Kurt Schuler propose that Russia establishes a currency board which would issue a Russian currency fully convertible with international currency, backed 100 per cent by international bonds. The international community would aid in establishing the currency board by providing the initial reserves. Early supplies of this new Russian currency would be distributed free to Russian citizens. The authors give detailed explanations of how the currency board could be established and how it would work.

Informace o knize

Plný název Russian Currency and Finance
Jazyk Angličtina
Vazba E-kniha - Adobe ePub
Datum vydání 2005
Počet stran 240
EAN 9781134863693
Libristo kód 39940346
Nakladatelství Routledge
Darujte tuto knihu ještě dnes
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