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Life on Svalbard

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Kniha Pevná
Kniha Life on Svalbard
Libristo kód: 44779657
Nakladatelství DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley), října 2024
Join Cecilia Blomdahl in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, the world's northernmost town.Located in the Arctic... Celý popis
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Join Cecilia Blomdahl in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, the world's northernmost town.Located in the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole, Svalbard is a unique archipelago that boasts stunning wintry landscapes, endangered Arctic animals, and awe-inspiring natural phenomena. Since 2015, Cecilia has called this beautiful and remote location home. Along with her partner, Christoffer, and her dog, Grim, she has adjusted to life at the top of the world-where polar bears roam free and northern lights shine bright.With evocative text and spectacular photography, Cecilia shares the joys and challenges of adapting to an inhospitable climate. Her story begins in the darkness of polar night, and the allure of her remote location is revealed gradually as sunlight returns months later. Through personal stories and firsthand advice, Cecilia offers insight for anyone seeking to thrive in unusual living conditions.Whatever your location, Life on Svalbard will give you a deeper understanding of why people choose to live in extreme environments and perhaps help you find the hidden magic of where you live too.

Informace o knize

Plný název Life on Svalbard
Jazyk Angličtina
Vazba Kniha - Pevná
Datum vydání 2024
Počet stran 240
EAN 9780744095098
ISBN 0744095093
Libristo kód 44779657
Váha 567
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