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Story of Porsche

A Tribute to the Legendary Manufacturer

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Kniha Pevná
Kniha Story of Porsche
Libristo kód: 38446629
Nakladatelství Welbeck Publishing Group, října 2022
From the alluring curves to the powerful engineering, Porsche has been synonymous with both luxury a... Celý popis
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From the alluring curves to the powerful engineering, Porsche has been synonymous with both luxury and race car manufacturing for more than 90 years. In The Story of Porsche, every component of the legendary brand's success is studied and celebrated, from turbulent beginnings to its ascent to the summit of car design and construction. Porsche has been synonymous with both luxury and race car manufacturing for more than 90 years. This is a compact review of the iconic car manufacturer.

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